Job Announcement

urbisphere Job Opening

Data Scientist for management of a meteorological observation system

The Chair of Environmental Meteorology at the University of Freiburg is looking for a data scientist (part- or full-time, 65% - 100%) with work location in Freiburg, Germany to be filled as soon as possible. The position is fixed-term until July 31, 2025 and in accordance with TV-L E13.

You will be responsible for the development and operation of IT-technology to collect, process, document, and archive large datasets collected with various meteorological instruments in cities. Measurement data and corresponding meta data need to be stored in a systematic, secure, and accessible manner including the timely dissemination of data to project partners and the public.

The position is part of an EU-funded ERC Synergy Grant ("urbisphere", studying the interaction between climate change and the climate effects of cities in collaboration with FORTH, the University of Reading and the University of Stuttgart. Within ("urbisphere"), the University of Freiburg developed a "Smart Urban Observation System" consisting of wind-LIDARs, aerosol LIDARs, scintillometers, flux towers, surface networks and other systems which will be deployed in different cities from 2021 to 2025 (e.g. Berlin, Paris).

Your role
  • Create, manage and document a relational data base that holds data and meta data, including user administration and access control.
  • Create, update, and manage an automatic work flow that ingests automatically incoming data flows into the data base.
  • Create, update and manage instrument and communication IT, processing and server IT-hardware. Manage client-level IT of scientists.
  • Develop a system to disseminate data (e.g. REST API and/or file download portal via web interface).
  • Develop a system (in collaboration with team members) that enables an automatic quality control, visualization and backup of data.
  • Support other team members during the field campaigns on the ground, e.g., testing and setting up of instrumentation including limited work assignments abroad (~ 2 weeks / year).
  • Contribute to scientific publications.
Your profile
In general, you should demonstrate:
  • a sound understanding of IT technologies, programming and software development principles, e.g., object-oriented programming, package development/deployment, and testing frameworks (mainly python).
  • in-depth knowledge of and experience with relational data bases.
  • experience with front-end development (e.g. php, python django/flask, javascript).
  • ideally, spatial and time-series data analysis/wrangling skills (python/R).
  • ideally, experience handling large amounts of environmental/atmospheric data (TB) on local storage, cloud storage, and backups.
  • ideally, design/implementation principles of REST APIs and/or a demonstrated end-user of such systems.
  • experience working with standard operating systems (UNIX shell, Windows Server).
  • flexible and solution-oriented thinking and work independently and responsibly, while communicating well to team members (written and spoken).
  • fluency in English (and ideally also in German).
  • hold at least a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, Meteorology, Environmental Sciences or a related field.
Application procedure

Please provide a motivation letter, CV, a list of previous projects / work in the field of data management and at least two contacts for references.

The position is a fixed-term contract until July 31, 2025. Under the condition that personal and bargaining requirements are met, the salary will be determined in accordance with TV-L E13. We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women and members from underrepresented groups for the position advertised here.

Please apply with all documents, quoting the reference number 00001941, by December 19, 2021 at the latest. Please send your application in written or electronic form to:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Christen
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Chair of Environmental Meteorology
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Werthmannstrasse 10
79085 Freiburg, Germany
By e-mail to:

For more information, please contact Dr. Daniel Fenner at phone 0152 5458 5723 or e-mail

About the University of Freiburg

Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You'll engage in top-notch research with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people - right in the heart of one of Germany's most beautiful cities.

The University of Freiburg's human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.

General and legal remarks

Full-time positions may generally be split up into two or more part-time positions, provided that there are no formal or legal barriers. Candidates are selected in accordance with the provisions of the AGG (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - German General Equal Treatment Act). Applicants with disabilities (Schwerbehinderte Menschen) will be given preferential consideration in case of equal qualification.

The department offering the position is liable for the content of this job posting. Textual errors do not constitute a basis for any claims or rights. The relevant human resources department has sole responsibility for all legal transactions made within the context of the selection and hiring process. Please note that breaches in privacy and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be excluded in communication by unencrypted email.

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