
Data collected or produced with funding from urbisphere are owned by urbisphere Principal Investigators (PIs), unless there are specific data protection rules or ethical standards or licensing agreements that require that an individual PI retains these data in a protected manner. This does not apply to third party data used within urbisphere.

The urbisphere PIs will decide what data, and when, they will be made publicly available. The urbisphere Data Management Plan outlines how research data are handled during and after the project, describing data collection, processing or generation methodologies and standards; data sharing and open access (timing) and how it will be curated and preserved. urbisphere participates in the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot. The research data corresponding to urbisphere scientific publications are deposited in the urbisphere data repository. However, only anonymous and/or aggregated data will be made available for the Open Data repository.

urbisphere zenodo community hosts the Open Data repository of the project; providing access among others to published material and open data, i.e. campaign measurements and project products.

urbisphere entry point provides links to cloud-based repositories of project internal data, catalogues and metadata that are only accessible to urbisphere team members.

Data are also available in the University of Reading and University of Freiburg Repositories.